SEVESKIG 與 FDMTL、Jam Home Made 和 Factotum 擁有良好交情,也讓專科出身的設計師 Nori 和各品牌有許多技巧與風格切磋的經驗。 Nori 熱愛機車文化,擅長皮革產品與古著拆解重制,雖然極為費工但也呈現 SEVESKIG 特有質感,更是符合品牌堅持的「細緻野味」, 而對於近年古著再製的風潮 Nori 更表示「這是對過往的敬意,剪裁上也符合我們的身形,穿得舒適才不愧對自己。」
“PERFECT BLUE” directed by Satoshi Kon
Director Satoshi Kon: Satoshi Kon is one of Japan’s leading animation directors and manga artists. Although he passed away in 2010, Kon’s works have won awards and accolades around the world. The Fantasia International Film Festival in Montreal, Canada, has named the highest award in the animation category the “Satoshi Kon Award” since 2012 in honor of Satoshi Kon’s achievements.
With a worldwide fan base, there are many Hollywood movies and other films that pay homage to the director’s work. Among them, “Perfect Blue,” Kon’s first film as a director, has not faded away even after 26 years.